Our Purpose
“This project is supported by the Department of Rural and Community Development and Pobal through the Community Services Programme”,
Toddler Room
The toddler room is the next stage after the crèche, The children in this room are aged between 1.8 and 2.8 years.

There is a pre-planned programme in place each week. This incorporates various activities such as painting, gluing, puzzles, stories and role-play. The room is divided into different areas of interest and the children can choose which area they play in.
Some of the areas are home corner, block area, messy area, and quiet area. The children also play in large groups and small groups doing such things as peg boards, play dough, ‘music and movement’ and stories. We also have Large Group Time where all the children come together for stories, songs and nursery rhymes.
We then have a group discussion which gives the children a chance to tell each other about their day and other stories they might like to share..
Toilet Training:
Once your child moves into the Toddler Room, it is generally time to start thinking about toilet training. Our staff have years of experience in this area and are happy to talk to parents, to offer advice, guidance and support.
So, whenever you/your child are ready to get started, we will work with you.
At Greenfields, our curriculum supports Siolta & Aistear: